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Country Profile: Nepal

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Be sure to ask permission before photographing someone.

2. Always use both hands to tale or receive anything. Never use the left hand only.

3. Feet are considered to be the dirtiest part of the body, so do not point the foot at anything, especially religious objects. Always remove shoes before entering a home.

4. The head is the most sacred part of the body. Never touch anyone's head, children included.

5. Never share food that you have taken a bitten into.

6. It has been suggested that it is best not give money or trinkets to beggars, particularly children. As in many developing countries, tourist cannot resist giving candies or items such as pens to the children who flock around them. Locally, this is looked at as a negative reinforcement for begging. If you wish to give, donate money to the local schools.

7. Do not eat beef in front of those who practice Hinduism. Never present a Hindu with a gift of leather made from cows.