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Country Profile: Tunisia

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Handshakes are the acceptable forms of greetings. Persons of the opposite sex may choose not to shake hands with each other.

2. Be sure to stick to formal forms of address, complete with titles, until invited to move toward a more informal "first name" basis.

3. Although Tunisia is considered a rather liberal Arab country, it is always best to respect and observe the Islamic social traditions. Never take or give anything with the left hand. Never expose the heel of the foot to anyone. Remove shoes before entering a mosque or house.

4. Alcohol is widely available. In fact, Tunisia is known for producing some very good table wines.

5. One should exercise restraint in behavior; overly-effusive public displays of affection are to be avoided.

6. Be sure to ask people for their permission to be photographed.

7. Like most Arab countries, Tunisians take hospitality very seriously. If you are invited to the home of a local be prepared to stay for several hours of feasting.

8. Punctuality is extremely important for business meetings and social engagements.

9. Dining is Continental style.

10. Dress, although following the tastes of Europe, should adhere to some degree of modesty. Both women and men should avoid wearing shorts or tank tops (except on the beach). Women should keep their shoulders and legs covered outside of resort areas.