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Country Profile: Guinea

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. There is a large Muslim population here so always respect the Islamic customs. Remember to never expose the heel of your foot to a Muslim. Never offer a gift of pork or alcohol, Respect their times of daily prayer. Always remove shoes before entering a house or mosque.

2. Flirting between the sexes is taboo.

3. It is best to dress modestly while in the company of a Muslim.

4. In general, it is best not to give or take anything with your left hand.

5. If invited to dinner it is fine to give a small gift as a token of appreciation.

6. Expect to haggle in the market place.

7. The handshake is an acceptable form of greeting. Persons of the opposite sex may choose not to shake hands with each other.

8. Always greet people. It is considered very important in Guinea. Not to greet people and/or going straight into conversation is considered an insult. 'Bonjour' or 'Bonsoir' is the common greeting followed by asking 'How are you' - 'Comment allez-vous?' The Muslim greeting 'Salaam Alaikum (Peace be with you)' is also used.

9. When addressing others, Guineans use titles and so would consider it polite if you did in return, i.e. Monsieur, Madame, Monsieur le Directeur etc.

10. It is advisable while the border conflicts are occurring, not to photograph in towns. It is forbidden to photograph any thing that maybe considered a strategic building i.e. ports, army barracks, airports etc. Remember some people have very special feelings about having their photograph taken so always enquire first.