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Country Profile: Iceland

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. A handshake is the customary form of greeting.

2. Smoking is regulated in public areas.

3. One should remove his or her shoes before entering a home.

4. Married women do not take their husband's surname. Men and women take the first name of their father and add son (son) or daughter (dottir) to the end to use as their surname.

5. It is acceptable to address people by their first name, however, one might start with the formal forms of address and move to the more familiar usage when invited to do so.

6. Good topics of conversation include sports, culture, politics, and the environment.

7. As in other parts of Europe, dress is generally casual and should conform to the temperate climate. Business wear is more conservative; suits are the norm for both men and women. Women generally to be more restrained in regard to makeup and jewelry, opting for a more natural look than other parts of Europe.

8. When invited to dinner, it is fine to bring a small gift for the host or hostess.