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Country Profile: Mali

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. In northwest Mali there is a heavy Muslim influence. Be sure to respect the Muslim codes concerning the consumption of alcohol and pork, the proper attire for men and women, and the restrictions pertaining to the use of left hand.

2. Unrelated men and women may not want to shake hands with each other. A woman should extend her hand to a man first for a handshake. Direct eye contact between the sexes should be avoided. Prolonged direct eye contact it could be misconstrued as a sexual invitation.

3. Modest dress should be observed throughout the country. Skimpy clothing is considered underwear.

4. Expect to haggle in the market place.

5. Do not point at people.

6. Kola nuts make a fine -- and traditional -- gift for a host as it connotes respect.