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Country Profile: South Africa

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Shaking hands is the acceptable form of greeting. Greetings are very formal. Never address your acquaintance by the first name until invited to do so. Generally, only very good friends will greet with hugs and kisses.

2. It is considered impolite to yawn in public. If you must yawn always cover your mouth.

3. Follow these rules of etiquette when visiting a Zulu tribe: Always keep your head in at a lower level than the chief or those of high rank. Outsiders must wait to be invited into the village. The elderly are always treated with respect. Children are taught to follow the rule "don't speak until spoken to".

4. It is fine to haggle in the market place.

5. Always be punctual.

6. Always ask permission before taking someone's picture.

7. Dining is usually Continental style with elbows removed from the table, the knife in the right hand, and the fork in the left hand.

8. Dress in urban areas follows European styles and rules. Business dress tends to be more conservative (suits for both men and women), while an elegant-yet-casual look is appropriate for more relaxed settings.