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Country Profile: Bhutan

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. The Buddhist tradition of removing shoes before entering a house is practiced here.

2. The Bhutan government takes the preservation of their country's land and culture very seriously. Therefore, do not litter, flick cigarette butts on the ground, distribute religious pamphlets, or even think about graffiti painting anything.

3. Never point to a Buddha or touch a Buddha statue on the head.

4. It is considered impolite to yawn in public.

5. A handshake is a fine greeting between persons of the same age group. When greeting an older person it is customary to bow.

6. Polite and respectful behavior is a must.

7. Never photograph anyone without getting his or her permission first.

8. Modest dress, appropriate to the climate, is suggested for this country.