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Country Profile: Cambodia

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Greetings differ from situation to situation. Businessmen should exchange cards, taking hold of the card with both hands. The traditional Cambodian greeting involves each person pressing each other's palms together in front of their bodies and then giving a slight bow.

2. Watch your feet. Cambodians regard the foot as the dirtiest part of the body, and there are several ways that your feet can offend a Cambodian without even realizing it. Show respect to Cambodians by never exposing the sole of your shoe or the bottom of your foot to them. Make sure you remove your shoes before entering a home or temple. It is very insulting to give a gift of shoes or socks to a Cambodian. Never, ever point with your toes, especially at a Buddha or Buddhist monk.

3. Do not touch the top of another person's head, even a child's head. The head is the most valued part of the body because it is believed to be where the person's spirit lives.

4. Public displays of affection are frowned upon.

5. Never wrap a gift in white paper as white is associated with death and some consider it to be an unlucky color.

6. Dress modestly and chose fabrics that compliment the seasonal weather.