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Country Profile: Cote d `Ivoire

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Give firm handshakes.

2. A safe and appreciated topic of conversation is discussing both you and your Ivorian friend's families.

3. When walking in public, don't be offended if someone begins to hiss at you. Hissing is an acceptable way for Ivorians to get other's attention.

4. Always ask permission to photograph people. Be especially sensitive to taking pictures of those living in poverty. Remember, no matter how destitute their lives may seem they have pride. No one likes for a curious tourists taking pictures of their difficult lives.

5. Traditional meals will consist of men eating first, next women, then children. The host may not offer eating utensils. When you must eat with your hands never eat with the left hand.

6. Do not feel awkward if no one speaks during the meal, plenty of conversation will take place afterward.