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Country Profile: Georgia

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. Handshakes are the customary forms of greeting.

2. Always address people by their title and last name until invited to do otherwise.

3. Visitors should always be punctual for both business meetings and social events.

4. Toast making is part and parcel of social life. Georgian toasts are elaborate and have a specific order in which they are to be said. A toastmaster or "tamada" initiates and directs the toasts throughout the course of the dinner or social gathering.

5. Wine is never drunk without first some form of a toast being said. One should never drink while a toast is being made (unless you are drinking beer).

6. It is better not to toast when drinking beer.

7. It may be best for the visitor to avoid initiating conversations dealing with domestic politics. This is especially true if he or she does not know the person that they are speaking with very well. Family, sports, food, and culture make fine topics of conversation.

8. Yawning in public is considered rude.

9. Do not point your fingers at anyone.

10. When invited to a home for diner, it is fine to bring a gift for the host or hostess. Souvenirs from your country, chocolates, and flowers (ask the florist about the appropriate type and number) are welcome gifts.