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Country Profile: Armenia

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Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Dos and Taboos

1. A handshake is the customary form of greeting.

2. In general, publicly giving money, food or drink to beggars is frowned upon.

3. It is considered rude to point your finger at anyone.

4. If invited to an Armenian's home, you may be asked to take off your shoes and hat upon entering the house. The visitor may also want to bring a small gift as a token of appreciation or friendship. Do not bring food or drinks if invited specifically for diner, the hosts may not appreciate it as it is considered their duty to feed you.

5. Toasting is essential when drinking with friends, family, and new acquaintances. Toasts should be made to the host, guest of honor, cook, parents, Armenia, etc. Dinner parties will have an "official" toastmaster but after a few toasts the guest should not be afraid to initiate toasting as well.

6. It is polite to finish everything on your plate.

7. The visitor may want to avoid discussing politics until well acquainted with individuals with whom he or she is speaking.

8. Bargaining is a traditional part of business negotiations, be it bargaining with a room full of executives or with a street vendor selling souvenirs.

9. Do not photograph military instillations or airports. One should always ask permission before photographing people.

10. Never speak to anyone, especially an elder, with your hands on your hips. This may be seen as a sign of aggression or anger.

11. Never point your finger at anyone.