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Country Profile: Kosovo

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Country Facts

Kosovo Flag

Current Date:

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Region: Southeastern Europe

Capital: Pristina

Population: 1,895,250

Area Total: 10,887

Area Land: 10,887

Climate: Continental, with warm summers and cold and snowy winters

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Country Overview

Largest Cities
City Population Estimated
Mitrovicë 107,045 2014
Pristina 550,000 2014
Prizren 171,464 2014

Other Key Data
Region: Southeastern Europe
Population: 1,895,250
Area Total: 10,887km2
Area Land: 10,887km2
Coast Line: 0km
Capital: Pristina
Climate: Continental, with warm summers and cold and snowy winters
Languages: Albanian, Serbian, although Turkish, Bosnian and Romani also spoken
Currency: dinar and euro used
Holiday: Independence declared on Feb. 17, 2008

Average Daily Temperature
January: °C / 31.00°F
July: °C / 69.60°F
Annual Rainfall: mm / 28.2"

Albania 0 km
Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia 0 km
Serbia 0 km
Montenegro 0 km

Ethnic Divisions
Albanians 92.00%
Serbs 4.00%
Bosniaks and Gorans 2.00%
Turks 1.00%
Roma 1.00%

Muslims 92.00%
Orthodox 4.00%
Catholic 3.00%
others including Protestants and Jews 1.00%
