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Country Profile: Peru

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Country Facts

Peru Flag

Current Date:

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Region: South America

Capital: Lima

Population: 31,914,988

Area Total: 1,285,220

Area Land: 1,280,000

Climate: Varies from tropical in east to dry desert in west

   Country Overview
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Country Overview

Largest Cities
City Population Estimated
Arequipa 841,130 2020
Callao 813,264 2020
Lima 7,737,002 2020

Other Key Data
Region: South America
Population: 31,914,988
Area Total: 1,285,220km2
Area Land: 1,280,000km2
Coast Line: 2,414km
Capital: Lima
Climate: Varies from tropical in east to dry desert in west
Languages: Spanish (official)
Quechua (official)
Currency: 1 nuevos sol (S/.$) = 100 centimos
Holiday: Independence Day, 28 July (1821)

Average Daily Temperature
January: °C / 63.20°F
July: °C / 56.90°F
Annual Rainfall: mm / 24.5"

Brazil 1,560 km
Colombia 1,496 km
Ecuador 1,420 km
Bolivia 900 km
Chile 160 km

Ethnic Divisions
Indigenous 45.00%
Mestizo 37.00%
European 15.00%
Black, Japanese, Chinese and other 3.00%

Roman Catholic 100.00%
